Supporting the Cabbagetown Youth Centre (CYC) under the umbrella of The Toronto Kiwanis Boys and Girls Clubs (BGC Toronto Kiwanis)

2023 was an astonishing year! $53,150 raised – the most ever!
A huge thank you to all of the fundraisers, participants and supporters!

2023 best fundraising ever! (& pictures)

View 2023 participants, Teams and Fundraising

View 2023 Classic Mini-Marathon Race Day Awards List here

2023 was a magical event! Best fundraising ever! (& pictures), Some pictures from Blair’s Run!a few more picturesCute stories & pictures 

Download your Pledge sheet!

We thank our Cabbagetown business donors. Click here for list!

A big thanks to our Teams and participants!

Blair’s Run 2023 generously sponsored by:


Thanks! The Blair’s Run Team!